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  Sun Development Tools Forte for Java, Community Edition
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-  Forte for Java, Community Edition
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-  Java Message Queue
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Form Editor
The Form Editor enables developers to build Swing or AWT component-based user interfaces quickly and easily. The Form Editor handles Java BeansTM, generates exceptionally clean, easy-to-read code, and features advanced support for Boarders and Layouts including Grid Bag Layout.

Visual Development Environment
The visual development environment allows for custom indentation, dynamic source code completion, and syntax coloring for Java and HTML programming languages. It also enables efficient editing of Java code which supports the Swing text package architecture.

Object Browser
The visual development environment includes an Object Browser which speeds development time. Developers can navigate through source elements exposed in the Object Browser, and then remotely debug a section of code in seconds.

Multi-Threaded Debugger
The multi-threaded debugger is a fully integrated visual debugger with breakpoints, watches, and threads, presented as separated tabs in the window for easy access. By placing breakpoints at key positions throughout your source code, the Debugger can halt at these points and display "snapshots" of the current environment. You can effectively step through your code, monitoring execution as it occurs.

Open Object-0riented Architecture
Forte for Java software has an extensible, object-oriented framework, based an a complete set of open APIs which allows access to the core IDE and any services provided by other software components.

Technology partners and Java developers can extend the core IDE with plug-in modules to create customized modular tools for the Forte for Java environment.

Extensions ranging from minor customization, to added commands, to full-fledged application integrations like Unified Modeling Language (UML) tools have been developed based on Forte for Java software's open object-oriented architecture.

Recommended Operating Environment
Forte for Java, Community Edition requires that the latest available version of SDKTM is correctly installed on your system before you begin. We recommend SDK 1.3 beta. If you do not have a suitable JDKTM, you will need to download and install one before you can run the installation routine.

Recommended System Configuration
x86: Pentium II processor with 300MHz CPU, 128MB RAM
SPARC: UltraSPARC 5 with 270MHz CPU, 128MB RAM


Forte for Java, Community Edition : Features & Benefits | Getting Started Tutorial (pdf)User's Guide (pdf)

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